Borrowing Technology Sandbox items
What can I borrow from the Technology Sandbox?
Technology Sandbox items available for loan: Records in Sofia Discovery tool.
When, where and how can I borrow Technology Sandbox items?
Technology Sandbox items are available during service hours.
Steps to borrowing an item (except Video games - see below):
If you need more information about the Technology Sandbox items and what they do, you may want to start off by visiting the Technology Sandbox and speak to the person on duty.
Webster Library
- Once you know what you want, visit the Webster Library Loans & Returns Desk and ask to borrow the card for the item you are interested in. Each Technology Sandbox item will have its own card. Once checked out, the due date for the item will appear in your Sofia account. More information about loan periods.
- Take the card you borrowed from the Webster Library Loans & Returns Desk to the Technology Sandbox and exchange it for the actual item.
Vanier Library
- Once you know what you want, visit the Vanier Library Circulation Desk and ask to borrow the item you are interested in. Once checked out, the due date for the item will appear in your Sofia account. More information about loan periods.
Steps to returning an item (except Video games - see below):
NOTE: All items can be borrowed again, should no one else be waiting to borrow the item, except for the following: gaming laptops, Playstation VR and DSLR cameras; to borrow these items an additional time you will need to wait until the next day, during the Technology Sandbox or Vanier Library Circulation Desk opening hours.
Webster Library
- Return all Technology Sandbox items to the Technology Sandbox.
- Once staff verify that an item is complete and in operating condition, they will give you the associated card, with some exceptions.
- The card must be returned to the Webster Library Loans & Returns Desk to complete the return of the loan.
Items must be returned to the Technology Sandbox during their service hours.
Vanier Library
- Return all Technology Sandbox items to Vanier Library Circulation Desk during service hours.
- Staff will verify that the item is complete and in operating condition.
Steps to borrowing a Video game:
- You can search for Video games in the Sofia Discovery tool.
- Video games are held behind the Webster Library Loans & Returns Desk. Provide the call number for the video game you want to check-out so the item can be retrieved for you.
- The video game will be checked-out to you at the Desk.
- You can return games to the Loans Desk during opening hours or at one of the book drops.
Who can borrow?
Technology Sandbox items are available for loan by current Concordia University students, undergraduate and graduate, faculty and staff.
Who is responsible for damage or theft?
The person who checked out a Technology Sandbox item is responsible for returning it in good condition. In case of damage, theft or loss, the user will be charged the cost of repair or replacement. Do not under any circumstances leave the item unattended.
If a Technology Sandbox item or its peripherals are not returned, damaged, or if parts are missing, sanctions will be applied in accordance with the Library's Policy on Overdue and Lost Material:
- your library borrowing privileges will be suspended
- you will be charged for the full replacement cost of the item
- you will be subject to the Concordia University policy on payment of tuition and other fees.
How do I get help?
Staff in the Technology Sandbox will be able to answer questions regarding the use of items. Visit the Technology Sandbox during service hours.