Intercampus delivery of bound periodicals and microforms
Use this service to ask for the transfer of volume(s) of a bound periodical or a periodical on microform to Vanier Library or Webster Library for pickup. Note that a bound periodical volume usually corresponds to one year of the publication.
Related services
- Hold requests
To request that a book (or any regularly circulating item) is sent to the campus of your choice and set aside for pickup. - Article/Chapter Scan & Deliver service
Articles and chapters from Concordia's collection of books and print or microform periodicals (e.g., journals, magazines, newspapers and conferences), as well as the front and back matter from print books, can be scanned and emailed to you as a PDF attachment. - Interlibrary Loans
To request a journal article or a book from another (non-Concordia) library or institution.
Who can use this service?
Concordia primary users (currently registered students, faculty, retired faculty, and staff) in good standing can use the service, which is free.
Delivery time
Requests are filled during regular working hours (9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Friday). You will normally be notified via email within 2 working days that your request is ready. Some requests may take longer than 2 working days, your patience is appreciated.