Support for faculty
Including retired faculty

Librarian Veronica Bergsten teaching a workshop at the Webster Library / Every field of study at Concordia has a librarian who can provide specialized expertise for professors and students.
Teaching support
Contact your subject librarian for assistance, or use our Ask a Librarian service.
Find out more about instructional support offered by subject librarians, including workshops and assignment design.
Refer students to subject guides, for course and discipline specific resources, as well as the Library Research Skills Tutorial, Library workshops, or our general how-to library guides for help with library research skills, finding relevant books and articles, writing and citing help, and more.
Decolonize and indigenize curricula with the help of the Indigenous Educational Resources guide and these Anti-Black & Systemic Racism resources.
For evidence-based practices in higher education, see the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning guide.

Course reserves room at the Webster Library / Both Webster and Vanier libraries have copies of textbooks for undergraduate courses available for short-term loan. The Course Reserves system is available to host digital material.
Course materials support
Course reserves guide for instructors
Post online readings in the Course Reserves system to ensure copyright compliance and adherence to usage rights for electronic resources. More information on the types of materials that can be posted, including streaming video.
To access videos in our collection check Sofia or consult one of our streaming video databases. If not available in our collection, make a request via the course reserve system or through the suggest a purchase form. To show a DVD in class, borrow them ahead of time for a 30-day, renewable, loan period.
Open Educational Resources guide
Find no-cost, adaptable, open educational resources for your courses.
See the Library Resources Moodle Block, a component in Moodle that provides course-specific library resources selected by the subject librarian.
Consult our best practices for how to link to library resources and how to share a link to an article.
See the Library's Copyright guide for an introduction to the Canadian Copyright Act in the context of research and education.
Consult eConcordia course developers guide for using library resources in eConcordia online courses.
Research support
Citation management software supported by the Concordia Library
Research data management guide
Persistent and unique digital identifiers for researchers
Did you know...
By depositing in Spectrum, Concordia University's open access research repository, Concordia scholars provide free and immediate access to their work and thus increase the visibility of their own research and their university's intellectual output.
Collections & tools

The Sofia Discovery tool is a shared bilingual catalogue consolidating the collections of all 18 partner institutions, provides the Concordia community with access to more than 20 million items and serves as a single portal for searching, accessing and requesting material across the member universities.
Search by database name or browse databases by subject or content type
Article Finder
Locate a specific article by citation or DOI
Browse and read journals (BrowZine)
User guide for the Sofia Discovery tool
Requesting items from the collection
Hold requests: Have books (and regularly circulating items) set aside for pickup on the Hold Shelf at either Library.
Article/Chapter Scan & Deliver service: Articles and chapters from Concordia's collection of books and print or microform periodicals (e.g., journals, magazines, newspapers and conferences), as well as the front and back matter from print books, can be scanned and emailed to you as a PDF attachment.
Intercampus delivery of bound periodicals and microforms: Full volumes of a bound periodical or a periodical on microform can be transfered by intercampus delivery to Vanier Library or Webster Library for pickup.
Access to collections beyond Concordia
Borrowing items directly from other Quebec university libraries
Borrowing items from Canadian universities outside of Quebec (BCI card)
Faculty assistants
Persons appointed to borrow items on behalf of faculty