eConcordia course developers guide
On this page
- Contact
- Subject librarians
- Electronic resources
- Research help for eConcordia students
- Online library instruction
- Moodle block
See also
Contacting the library
For questions about library resources or online library instruction, please contact the Ask a Librarian service.

Why consult a subject librarian?
There is a subject librarian for every department at Concordia. They manage resources and provide research assistance to students and faculty in that discipline. Subject librarians provide in-depth workshops for undergraduate and graduate courses, demonstrating the research skills and concepts that students will need to successfully complete their assignments. Many of the instructors that eConcordia works with will already know their subject librarian.
If a course you are working on has a research component, you may want to invite the subject librarian to a course design and development meeting, to discuss ways that the librarian can provide instruction online. He or she can also help you to access electronic resources or provide research help for students. You can contact a subject librarian directly via the email provided on their research guide.

Accessing electronic resources: e-books and articles
Much of the library’s book, journal, newspaper and data collections are already in electronic format and can be accessed via the Sofia Discovery tool, a specific ebook collection or a database. research guides can help students and instructors to identify relevant databases. Here are instructions for embedding a stable link to an article from your LMS. If you have any questions, or would like recommendations, please ask your subject librarian.

Accessing electronic resources: videos
The library has subscriptions to several streaming video databases. You can also search for individual videos in the Sofia Discovery tool. Here is a guide to finding videos in the Concordia collection, or free online.
The library may be able to create streaming versions of videos that are currently only available in hard copy, and provide you with a link to embed in your course. For information please contact the Ask a Librarian service.
If you are interested in purchasing videos for your course, here are a few catalogues that you can browse for ideas. If the video could be of broad interest to the Concordia community, the library may be able to purchase a copy:

Accessing electronic resources: online course reserves system
The online course reserves system helps instructors provide readings for their courses to all enrolled students while complying with the Copyright Act, COPIBEC Agreement, and the Libraries' electronic resources licenses. Using this system, instructors can submit requests to post course readings online or to place a hard copy of a document (e.g. book) in the Course Reserves Room. Library staff will check for copyright compliance, ensure that links are stable and usable from off campus, and, when needed, scan and upload printed materials. Information for instructors (including videos) on how to use the Online Course Reserves System is available.

Research help for eConcordia students
The library offers research help by online chat. It’s a very popular resource with students – and queries range from simple directional requests to complex research questions. Consider linking to this service from your course.
Students can also contact their subject librarian directly via the research guides, to make an appointment for a one-on-one consultation.
A subject librarian may also be able to answer questions via a discussion board embedded in your course.

Online library instruction
Subject librarians have a lot of experience with instruction, and may be able to create videos or online guides to assist students in developing the skills and knowledge they need to successfully complete their assignments.
Contact your subject librarian for further assistance.

Library Resources Moodle block
The Library Resources Moodle block is designed to improve student access to library collections and services by promoting through Moodle.
Your subject librarian can help you to populate a section of your course with similar information for your students. If you have questions about the Moodle Block, please contact the Ask a Librarian service.