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What is Zotero?
Zotero is a desktop application that allows you to:
- Manage and organize the bibliographic references you find in library catalogues, databases, and on the web
- Prepare a bibliography or reference list automatically
- Insert and automatically format in-text citations and a bibliography into a paper using Microsoft Word, LibreOffice, Google Docs and other word processors and writing systems.
Zotero Help
Who should I contact if I need help or if I have questions?
- Solutions for many problems can be found on the Zotero Support page: https://www.zotero.org/support/.
Check the Library’s events calendar for upcoming Zotero workshops.
Word Processor Integration
After downloading and installing the Zotero desktop application, the related plugins should automatically be installed on whatever word processing software you have on your computer. More information about these plugins, including detailed explanations of their features, can be found through the following links:
- Zotero plug-in for MS Word: https://www.zotero.org/support/word_processor_plugin_usage.
- Zotero plug-in for LibreOffice: https://www.zotero.org/support/libreoffice_writer_plugin_usage.
- Zotero plug-in for Google Docs: https://www.zotero.org/support/google_docs.
Linking Zotero to the Concordia Library Catalogue (Sofia)
Open the Zotero desktop app, click on 'Edit', then 'Preferences', then 'Advanced'.
Under the 'OpenURL' heading, in the text box to the right of 'Resolver:', enter the following URL: https://concordiauniversity.on.worldcat.org/atoztitles/link?.
After this is done, when you click Zotero's Locate button (the green, right-pointing arrow next to the search box), you will have the option to search the Sofia Discovery tool for your saved, Zotero citations.