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How to use Find it! @ Concordia

How do I use Find it! @ Concordia

When you click on the "Find it! @ Concordia" button, a new page will open and one of three things may occur:

  1. Full-text available online
    Links to where you can access the article will be listed. Clicking on the "View Full Text" link will open a new page where you should be able to access the online article in html or PDF format.
    Find it! @ Concordia full-text available

  2. Article potentially available in print only
    When the full text is not available online, click the "Check for print holdings" button. This will search the Sofia Discovery tool for the print version of the journal in which the article was published. If the print journal is found, make sure to check the article's publication year to see if the Library has the journal for the year in which the article was published. (How to check Library holdings for print journals)
    Find it! @ Concordia print journal available

  3. Article not available at Concordia Library
    If there are no "View Full Text" links or a "Check for print holdings" button, the article may not be avaialble at Concordia Library. You can request the article through Interlibrary Loans.

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