2013 LibQUAL+ survey
LibQUAL+ 2013 report
The LibQual survey captures users’ perceptions of Concordia Libraries' facilities, collections and services. These results help the Libraries plan and improve our services. You can read the complete LibQual report here. We have created a short presentation (pptx) that explains how to read radar charts and presents the main results of the survey. For more background on the LibQual survey see our About page.

Responses to LibQUAL+ comments
In addition to reporting on user perceptions, LibQual also allows space for respondents to write in comments. We had 1697 people leave written comments. The two most frequent themes found in the comments were Space & Noise, and Accessing & Quality of the Collections.
We are happy to announce that we have already been able to act on many of the suggestions provided to us. In September 2013 we started delivering interlibrary loan articles via email. Now instead of coming in to pick up a printed article, you are emailed a link to download it. We are currently investigating a discovery layer service which would allow users to search through all the Libraries’ printed resources and electronic articles at the same time. A final item to highlight is that this year we have been given extra money from the University to put towards collection purchases like books and journal backfiles.
We also received many comments relating to printing and photocopying services. All printing on campus is managed by DPrint. We have forwarded all your comments relating to printing and photocopying to DPrint.
Click on the categories below to see some of the things users told us along with the action the Libraries will take to address the issues.