Brown Bag Lunch Series
About the Brown Bag Lunch Series
The Brown Bag Lunch Series is a forum that takes place several times a year where librarians and other invitees present on timely topics and hold discussions.

2024 presentations
- “It’s up to me to remember”: Second-generation Oral Histories in the Cambodian Post-genocide Diaspora
(February 21, 2024)
Facilitated by Ellen Wright, Media Cataloguing Librarian
Naomi Frost, Concordia Library Researcher-in-Residence, presented on her doctoral research project centered on the life stories of 1.5 second-generation Cambodians in the diaspora, intergenerational memory, and storytelling, to explore how children of survivors negotiate legacies of violence, loss and displacement in the present.

2023 presentations
- Not That Kind Of AI : Red Flags in PubMed's shift to Automated (Algorithmic) Indexing
(December 8, 2023)
Facilitated by Krista Alexander, Applied Human Sciences, Biochemistry/Chemistry and Physics Subject Librarian
Alexandre Amar-Zifkin, librarian for Vision Sciences, Neurosciences and Dentistry at the University of Montreal, presented on automated indexing in PubMed, the National Library of Medicine's public interface to Medline, which has recently shifted from human indexing to algorithmic, automated indexing. - Library Advocates: Fighting for Fair eBook Lending
(October 5, 2023)
Facilitated by Ellen Wright, Media Cataloguing Librarian, and Krista Alexander, Applied Human Sciences, Biochemistry/Chemistry and Physics Subject Librarian
Elena Rowan presented on her master's thesis research in sociology, on eBook licenses in public libraries, in terms of platform and publisher power, changing property rights, and how librarians and library advocacy groups are fighting back in Canada and internationally.
- Instruction and Pedagogy Session
(May 10, 2023)
Facilitated by Aeron MacHattie, Teaching & Research Librarian
Manasvini Narayana from the Centre for Teaching and Learning presented her research on students' digital habits and the ways that understanding these habits these might affect instruction and pedagogy.
- Conference re-cap
(March 15, 2023)
Facilitated by Larry Deck, Systems Librarian
Presentations by Pat Riva (IFLA WLIC), Sarah Lake (iPres), Christine Smith (Equity-Centered Library Leadership), and Éthel Gamache (Evidence Synthesis Institute Canada)
- Journey Through the Stacks: Illustrated Travelogues and the Orientalist Imagination
(February 22, 2023)
Facilitated by Aeron MacHattie, Teaching & Research Librarian
Presentation and Q&A with library exhibition curator and Concordia Library Researcher-in-Residence, Stéphanie Hornstein

2022 presentations
- Sabbatical Research Round Up
(December 5, 2022)
Facilitated by Larry Deck, Systems Librarian
Éthel Gamache, Religions and Cultures, Theological Studies, Études françaises, Philosophy, Classics, Modern Languages, and Linguistics Subject Librarian,
Katharine Hall, Biology and Health, Kinesiology & Applied Physiology Subject Librarian,
Andréa Harland, Head, Access Services,
Meredith Giffin,Acting Associate University Librarian, Collection Services,
Michelle Lake,Government Publications LibrarianPolitical Science, School of Community & Public Affairs and First Peoples Studies Subject Librarian - Open Educational Resources (OER) find their way into a Brown Bag Lunch
(March 10, 2022)
Joshua Chalifour, Digital Scholarship Librarian, Dr. Rachel Harris, Scholarly Publishing Librarian, Chloe Lei, Teaching & Research Librarian, Engineering & Computer Science, Megan Fitzgibbons, Instructional Services Coordinator

2021 presentations
- Listening to the Library
(July 7, 2021)
Dr. Katherine McLeod, Concordia Researcher in Residence 2020-2021 - EDI Conferences & Workshops Recap
(August 5, 2021)
Mary Afonso, Public Services Assistant, Megan Fitzgibbons, Instructional Services Coordinator, Katharine Hall, Biology and Health, Kinesiology & Applied Physiology Subject Librarian, Andrea Harland, Head, Access Services, Dr. Rachel Harris, Scholarly Publishing Librarian, Susie Breier, Sociology and Anthropology Librarian, Chloe Lei, Teaching & Research Librarian, Engineering & Computer Science

2020 presentations
- Site visit to the Conservation Department of the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts
(March 16, 2020)
Richard Gagnier, Head of Conservation - Littérature Québécoise Mobile
(February 17, 2020)
Dr. Olivier Charbonneau, Marketing and Management Subject Librarian - Promenade Parlante: Research-Creation and Older Montrealers’ Knowledge of Urban Change
(January 20, 2020)
Dr. Cynthia Hammond, Lead Co-Director, Centre for Oral History and Digital Storytelling, Concordia University

2019 presentations
- Chaos Communication Camp
(December 9, 2019)
Sean (Tailor) Cooney, Technology Sandbox Technician - Machine Translation Literacy in the Context of Scholarly Communication
(November 25, 2019)
Lynne Bowker, Concordia Researcher in Residence and Professor at the School of Translation & Interpretation and School of Information Studies at the University of Ottawa - Conference Re-Cap
(October 22, 2019)
Michelle Lake, Government Publications Librarian, Christine Smith, Collection Services Librarian, and Tim Walsh, Digital Preservation Librarian - Research Round Up
(February 27, 2019)
Francisco Berrizbeitia, Developer, Christine Smith, Collection Services Librarian, and Michelle Lake, Government Publications Librarian - Centre Internationaliste Ryerson Fondation Aubin (CIRFA)
(January 11, 2019)
Facilitated by Joshua Chalifour, Digital Scholarship Librarian
Aziz Fall, CIRFA President, and Christine Jacobs, Chair, Information and Library Technologies of John Abbott College

2018 presentations
- Field Trip: Concordia’s VCR: Visual Collections Repository
(December 5, 2018)
Facilitated by John Latour, Teaching & Research Librarian – Fine Arts
Pamela Caussy, Supervisor of VCR, Oksana Dykyj, Senior Librarian and Head of Moving Image Collections, Charlie Ellbé, Moving Image Coordinator, and Brian Virostek, Media Preservation Specialist - Information and digital literacies as foundation of digital strategies
(November 26, 2018)
Dr. Guylaine Beaudry, Vice-Provost Digital Strategy & University Librarian - Conference re-cap
(October 22, 2018)
Facilitated by Michelle Lake, Government Publications Librarian
Presentations by Lorie Kloda (Canadian Health Association Conference, Creative Commons Global Summit), Olivier Charbonneau (Network analysis symposium/Analyse de réseaux et complexité), Katharine Hall (Drexel Conference on Teaching and Learning Assessment), Joshua Chalifour (Force 11, DLF Forum), and Michelle Lake (CAUT Aboriginal Academic Staff Conference – Advancing Indigenization) - Peer Coaching
(March 21, 2018)
Dee Winn, Head, Information Services - The First Year Experience
(February 1, 2018)
Andrea Cameron, Teaching & Learning Librarian - Google Scholar, Sci-Hub and LibGen: why not?
(January 25, 2018)
Louis Houle, Director of Collections, McGill Library

2017 presentations
- Concordia University Press
(November 16, 2017)
Geoffrey Little, Editor-in-Chief, Concordia University Press and Scholarly Communications Librarian - Conference re-cap
(October 19, 2017)
Facilitated by Christopher Carr, Special Materials Cataloguing Librarian
Presentations by Michelle Lake (OLA Super Conference 2017, World Indigenous Peoples Conference on Education), Alexandra Mills (SAA 82nd Annual Meeting), Tomasz Neugebauer (Open Repositories 2017 Conference) - 2017 Venice Biennale
(September 29, 2017)
John Latour, Fine Arts Subject Librarian - Maps and Historical Sources
(April 13, 2017)
Alban Berson, Cartothécaire, Direction de la Collection nationale et des collections patrimoniales, Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec - Anonymity, Pseudonymity, and the Children of Basil Champneys
(March 10, 2017)
Dr. Emily Kopley, Researcher-in-Residence, Concordia University Library - Tour of District 3 Innovation Center
(February 22, 2017)
Presentation and Q&A session with Khalil Haddad, Marketing & Communications Manager, District 3, and Xavier-Henri Hervé, Executive Director, District 3.

2016 presentations
- Conference re-cap
(December 12, 2016)
Facilitated by Kathleen Botter, Systems Librarian
Presentations by Katharine Hall (Library Assessment Conference), Krista Alexander (Bibliometrics and Research Assessment Symposium), Michelle Lake (Government Information Day 2016), Melinda Reinhart (IFLA - Art Libraries), Kathleen Botter (IUG, ECIUG, Canadian Linked Data Summit) - Making the Move to Interactive Teaching
(October 27, 2016)
Presented by Alicia Cundell, Teaching Consultant, Concordia’s Centre for Teaching and Learning - Research round table
(March 9, 2016)
Facilitated by Krista Alexander, Biochemistry/Chemistry and Physics Subject Librarian
Presentations by Alex Guindon, Danielle Dennie, Dee Winn, Janice Kung, Pam Carson, Lorie Kloda and Michelle Lake - Copyright, fair dealing, and rights and reproductions in libraries, archives, and museums
(January 29, 2016)
Marc Pitre, Senior Copyright Officer at Canadian Centre for Architecture

2015 presentations
- The Mordecai Richler Reading Room and Writer in Residence program
(December 9, 2015)
Presented by Jason Camlot, Associate Professor, Department of English, and Associate Dean, Faculty of Arts and Science - Books as works of art: An introduction to artists' books
(November 26, 2015)
Presented by Élise Lassonde, curator of the heritage collection of artists' books at the Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec - The evolution of bibliometrics and alt-metrics
(October 29, 2015)
Presented by Vincent Larivière, Assistant Professor at Université de Montréal and Canada Research Chair on the Transformations of Scholarly Communication - Conference re-cap
(September 25, 2015)
Facilitated by Krista Alexander, Biochemistry/Chemistry and Physics Subject Librarian
Presentations by Andrea Cameron (WILU), Andrea Harland and Danielle Dennie (ASEE), Paul Fournier and Jasia Stuart (Designing Libraries for the 21st Century Conference), Paul Grewal (CAPAL) - Royal families: How to gather, structure and disseminate like a queen
(March 19, 2015)
Presented by Estelle Bouthillier, Information & Documentation Analyst for Concordia University’s Office of the President - Library Association Panel Discussion
(February 23, 2015)
Panelists: Dr. Guylaine Beaudry, University Librarian, Melinda Reinhart, Art Education, Art History, Cinema, Creative Arts Therapies, Design and Computations Arts, and Studio Arts Subject Librarian, and Luigina Vileno, Head of the Vanier Library and Psychology Subject Librarian. Moderated by Katharine Hall, Biology and Exercise Science Subject Librarian

2014 presentations
- Records Management and University Archives
(December 12, 2014)
Presented by Marie-Pierre Aube, Director of Concordia University’s Records Management and University Archives and Vincent Ouellette, Archivist/Records Officer at Concordia University’s Records Management and University Archives - Support for Students with Disabilities
(November 19, 2014)
Presented by Charles Altman, Technology Consultant for Concordia’s Access Centre for Students with Disabilities, and Gordon Dionne, manager of Concordia’s Access Centre for Students with Disabilities - Academic Social Media
(October 31, 2014)
Presented by Krista Alexander, Physics, Chemistry & Biochemistry Subject Librarian - Conference Recap
(September 25, 2014)
Facilitated by Éthel Gamache, Religion, Theological Studies and Philosophy Subject Librarian
Presentations by Michelle Lake (OLA & CLA), Rajiv Johal (SLA), Alexandra Mills (Society of American Archivist pre-conference session), Katharine Hall (Library Assessment Conference), Alex Guindon (CARTO & IASSIST), Olivier Charbonneau (Institute for Information Law, Amsterdam University) - Anatomy of a YouTube Video
(May 1, 2014)
Presented by Olivier Charbonneau, Marketing and Management Subject Librarian - CTLS Services and Resources / Online and Blended Learning
(March 27, 2014)
Presented by John Bentley, Instructional Developer Teaching and learning Services - LibQual Library Survey 2013
(February 27, 2014)
Presented by Katharine Hall, Science Librarian - Experiments in data visualization
(January 30, 2014)
Presented by Tomasz Neugebauer, Digital Projects & Systems Development Librarian - Research Data Management
(January 30, 2014)
Presented by Alex Guindon, Geospatial and Data Services Librarian, Geography Subject Librarian)

2013 presentations
- Conference Recap
(December 2, 2013)
Pamela Carson, Web Services Librarian; Michelle Lake, Political Science and Government Publications Librarian; Ethel Gamache, Religion, Theological Studies, and Philosophy Subject Librarian; Geoffrey Little, Collections Librarian and History Subject Librarian; Kirsten Huhn, Head, Electronic Resources & Receiving; Katharine Hall, Biology and Exercise Science Librarian; Rosarie Coughlan, Information Literacy Librarian - Collections Reconfiguration Project
(February 28, 2013)
Guylaine Beaudry, (Interim University Librarian); Andréa Harland, (Head, Media and Interlibrary Loans and Engineering Librarian); Kirsten Huhn, (Head, Electronic Resources & Receiving); and Dubravka Kapa, (Director, Vanier Library). - Discussion of "Advancing from Kumbaya to Radical Collaboration: Redefining the Future Research Library" (Journal of Library Administration 51.1 (2011)) by James Neal and the Canadian Association of Research Libraries’ Strategic Plan for 2013-16
(January 31, 2013)
Moderated by Geoffrey Little, Collections Librarian and History Subject Librarian; and Annie Murray, Digital & Special Collections Librarian.

2012 presentations
Conference Recap
(May 24, 2012)
Susie Breier, Anthropology, Sociology & Women's Studies Librarian; Geoffrey Little, Collections Librarian; Kirsten Huhn, Head, Electronic Resources & Receiving; Karen Jensen, Head, Bibliographic Access, Olivier Charbonneau, Management & Marketing Librarian -
The Irving Layton Fonds
(March 29, 2012)
Amanda Tomé, Young Canada Works Special Collections Archivist -
Research in Progress: Assumptions About Interlibrary Loan
(January 26, 2012)
Joanna Duy, Head, Access Services, Vanier Library

2011 presentations
In the Concordia Library Field with Louise: The Maturing of a 21-year Old Professional!
(November 24, 2011)
Louise Carpentier, Head, Government Information Services -
Conference Recap
(October 27, 2011)
Alex Guindon, Political Science Librarian; Andrea Harland, Head, Media & Interlibrary Loan; Annie Murray, Digital & Special Collections Librarian; Jared Wiercinski, Digital Services & Outreach Librarian; Jocelyn Godolphin, Associate University Librarian, Collection Services -
Spoken Web 2.0: Conceptualizing and Prototyping a Comprehensive Web-based Digital Spoken-Word Interface for Literary Research
(March 31, 2011)
Presented by Annie Murray, Digital and Special Collections Librarian & Jared Wiercinski, Digital Services and Outreach Librarian -
RDA : a cataloguing code for the digital age
(March 3, 2011)
Presented by Daniel Paradis, Bibliographic Access Librarian -
Historicity and contemporaneity of the scholarly communication system mutations
(January 27, 2011)
Presented by Guylaine Beaudry, Director, Webster Library

2010 presentations
- Social Software in Libraries
(December 7, 2010)
Presented by Jennifer Cyr, Classics, Modern Languages & Linguistics Librarian. - Testing the Usability of Two Research Guides
(November 25, 2010)
Presented by Luigina Vileno, Psychology and Applied Human Sciences Librarian. - Of copyright and open access: a review of my sabbatical
(September2, 2010)
Presented by Olivier Charbonneau, Marketing and Management Librarian. - WILU Cool-down
(June 10, 2010)
Turn off the GPS and look around: Map and spatial literacy in the Digital Age
Presented by Rosa Orlandini, Geography/Geology Librarian and Erik Dessureault, graduate student at Université de Montréal, École de bibliothéconomie et des sciences de l'information - Hybrid learning: Integrating online and offline activities into an IL course
Presented by Jennifer Cyr, Classics, Modern Languages & Linguistics Librarian and Andrea Cameron, Accountancy Librarian - WILU Wrap-up
Presented by Cameron Hoffman, Information Literacy Liaison & Religion Librarian
Turn off the GPS and look around: Map and spatial literacy in the Digital Age
- Streaming audio: accessing course-related music on mobile devices
(April 7, 2010)
Presented by Carolyn Doi, graduate student at McGill's School of Information Studies and Jared Wiercinski, Digital Services & Outreach and Music & Contemporary Dance Librarian - Net neutrality and what it means for libraries
(March 25, 2010)
Presented by Danielle Dennie, Biology, Chemistry & Biochemistry and Physics Librarian and Alex Guindon, Études françaises, Political Science Librarian
Spectrum as a practicum project
(March 17, 2010)
Presented by Jin Park, McGill University, School of Information Studies, Graduate Student and Marie Stewart, Université de Montréal, École de bibliothéconomie et des sciences de l'information, Graduate Student

2009 presentations
University supports for open access: A Canadian national survey
(November 26, 2009)
Presented by Kumiko Vézina, Electronic Resources Librarian -
Bishop’s University: Information Literacy and Critical Thinking (ILT)
(August 5, 2009)
Presented by Daniel Bromby, Bishop's University, Reference Librarian
Canadian Women Artists History Initiative: Developing Resources for Canadian Visual History
(March 26, 2009)
Presented by Melinda Reinhart, Visual Arts Reference Librarian -
(March 4, 2009)
Presented by Dr. Elena Razlogova, Assistant Professor in the History Department

2008 presentations
What We Talk About When We Talk About Institutional Repositories
(December 15, 2008)
Presented by Annie Murray, Digital & Special Collections Librarian -
Open Repositories
(December 15, 2008)
Presented by Tomasz Neugebauer, Digital Projects & Systems Development Librarian -
Information literacy and social media: Selected practices and discourses
(November 27, 2008)
Presented by Cameron Hoffman, Information Literacy Liaison Librarian -
Project SAILS results: What do they mean? (August 11, 2008)
Presented by Patrick Labelle, Instruction and Communication Librarian
In late-August and early-September 2007, the Information Literacy Committee administered Project SAILS to 198 incoming undergraduate students. Results of the Project were made available earlier this year and were shared with interested librarians at this brown bag lunch. Even though the sample size is not representative and the results cannot be generalized, some of the findings can be applied to instructional activities. -
Investigating trade journals (March 27, 2008)
Presented by Andrea Harland, Management & Marketing Librarian
Everyday life music information behavior of young adults (February 28, 2008)
Presented by Audrey Laplante, Music Librarian

2007 presentations
Epistemological and social characteristics of academic disciplines and their implications for academic libraries: the case of economics (October 29, 2007)
Presented by Ann Golubowski, Economics, Religion, and Theological Studies Librarian