Information for borrowing institutions
All requests should be directed to the Webster Library (CDN) including those for material that is located at the Vanier Library. Please consult our Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Lending policy. Concordia University Library, along with all other Quebec university libraries (PBUQ), is using the OCLC Tipasa Interlibrary Loan system.
For requests to Concordia for libraries without an ILL management system, please fill out our secure online forms:
- Pre-registration is required:
Before making your first loan request to one of Quebec's university libraries (BUQ) via the new request form, you must register your establishment by following these steps.- Complete the registration form
- Activate your new account password when you receive the password management email. This e-mail may take a few days to arrive.
- Once these steps taken you can subsequently submit lending requests to any of the BUQ libraries.
- Borrowing requests:
- To request a loan from Concordia Library, please fill in the request form.
- Please note that only one BUQ can be selected for each request, so if your request to Concordia University Library is not supplied, you will have to fill in the form again to submit it to another BUQ.

Contact information for Concordia Library Interlibrary Loans
Library Name: Concordia University, Webster Library
Address: Interlibrary Loans/LB-331, 1455 de Maisonneuve Ouest, Montréal, Québec, Canada H3G 1M8
Telephone: 514-848-2424 ext.7713
General correspondence email:
Fax: 514-848-2801
OCLC Symbol: CDN

Lending policy
Monographs/theses/govt. doc: Six (6) weeks from date of receipt. Maximum 4 renewals. Renewal period is 6 weeks.
Map collection/reserves material: Not available for ILL.
Current issues and bound volumes of periodicals: Photocopies of articles supplied.
Back issues of periodicals and newspapers on microform: issues ten or more years old - One (1) week from date of receipt. No renewal.
Media materials (including videos/films/curriculum lab materials) / Special collections / Reference collections: Loaned at the discretion of the Unit (generally for two (2) weeks from date of receipt, with one renewal of 2 weeks, and courier delivery).

Billing rates
Billing for the Lending service is issued once a year on June 1 for all Canadian locations. United States and international requests are billed immediately. Payments can be made in equivalent U.S. funds or IFLA vouchers.
BCI libraries are not charged for loans or copies.
Libraries covered by the OCUL/COPPUL/CBUA-CAUL/BCI Resource Sharing Agreement are not charged for loans or copies.
Other Canadian non-profit libraries and institutions are charged as follows:
- Books: $25.00 per loan
- Copies: $25.00 per document
Other Canadian for-profit libraries and institutions as well as libraries and institutions outside of Canada are charged as follows:
- Books: $35.00 or 3.5 IFLA vouchers per loan
- Copies: $35.00 or 3.5 IFLA vouchers per document