Writing guides
Concordia resources
- Concordia Writing Assistance Programme: offers peer writing assistance programs.
- Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science Writing Skills Requirement.
- Technical Writing and Communication (ENCS 282/5821)
Ressources en français | French writing guides
- TAURROT - Trousse d'aide universitaire pour la recherche, la rédaction et l'organisation du travail, Université de Hearst [no HTTPS link available]
- Specific Types of Writings - Advice on Academic Writing, University of Toronto
- Online Writing Lab (OWL)
- Writing Guides (by Disciplines) - Colorado State University
Academic proposals
- The Art of Grantsmanship - Jacob Kraicer at University of Toronto
- Guide for Writing a Funding Proposal - S. Joseph Levine at Michigan State University
Annotated bibliography
- How to Prepare an Annotated Bibliography - Concordia Library
- How to Prepare an Annotated Bibliography - Reference Department, Instruction, Research, and Information Services (IRIS), Cornell University Library
- Writing an Annotated Bibliography - New College Writing Centre, University of Toronto
Application essays
- Writing the Personal Statement - Purdue University Online Writing Lab
Book reviews
- How to Write a Book Report and a Book Review - Concordia Library
- How to Write a Book Review - Dalhousie University Libraries
Grammar and usage
- Antidote software - installed on computers in VL-122 and on LB-3
- Guide to Grammar and Style - Jack Lynch at Rutgers University
For ESL (English as second language) students:
- ESL Resources, Handouts and Exercises - Purdue University Online Writing Lab. Very useful.
- Advice on Academic Writing - ESL - University of Toronto
- Activities for ESL Students: quizzes, tests, exercises and puzzles.