Learn more about web archiving
Web archiving guides and online resources
Quick Things for Digital Knowledge: Web Fragility - Concordia University
Web Archives - Nova Scotia College of Art and Design (NSCAD)
Web Archiving - Virginia Tech

Ethical web archiving and activism
Documenting The Now
The Documenting the Now project develops community-centered practices and tools to help activists and researchers preserve and work with social media data in an ethical way.
National Forum on Ethics and Archiving the Web (2018)
The National Forum on Ethics and Archiving the Web was a three-day conference organized by Rhizome and hosted at the New Museum in 2018. The event brought together activists, librarians, journalists, archivists, scholars, developers, and designers to talk about how to create richer, non-oppressive web archives—archives that will better serve their publics and the historical record. Recordings of the presentations and panel discussions are freely available on the event website.

Selected readings on web archiving