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Overdue items

About overdue items

Material borrowed from Concordia’s general collection has a loan period of 30 days (this does not include equipment, course reserve and Technology Sandbox items). This material is automatically renewed, unless one of the following occurs:

If any of the above occur, the following will happen:

  • You will receive an email the day after the material is due notifying you that the material has not been renewed and is due back at the library
  • Following the due date is a 7-day grace period during which no fines will accrue
  • On the 8th day after an item(s) has failed to renew, fines of $0.50 per day per item will apply if not returned
  • On the 14th day after an item(s) has failed to renew and should it remain unreturned, borrowing and hold request privileges will be suspended and other items you have borrowed will not renew

Not sure why your items were not renewed and/or why you received a Notice of Non-Renewal email? Follow the steps below to learn why.

However, if none of these situations apply to you and your items were not renewed, or for more information, please contact the circulation department at

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Hold placed on material by another user

  1. Sign into your library account through Sofia
    Sofia catalogue Sign in button
  2. Click on My Account > Checkouts in the on the right, underneath your name.
  3. Under the Checkouts tab, click on the title of the item listed in the Notice of Non-Renewal email.
    Sofia catalogue checked out books list
  4. If the blue message indicated below appears in the item’s record in Sofia, another user has placed a hold on the item. For this reason, the item was not renewed and is to be returned to Concordia Library. If this message does not appear in the item record, proceed to the next step.
    Sofia catalogue hold on book
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Overdue fines of $50.00 or more

To check for overdue fines, click on the Fees tab in your Sofia account. If there are $50.00 or more in fines in your library account, your account will be automatically blocked, and your items will no longer be automatically renewed.

Sofia catalogue fines over $50
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