Indigenous knowledges and research methods (2018)
Indigenous Authors in the Spotlight
Our fall 2018 selection features library materials that explore and discuss Indigenous research methodologies and Indigenous knowledges. These books celebrate and examine non-Western ways of knowing such as plant- and land- based knowledges, storywork and ceremony. They are written and edited by Indigenous authors from around the world.

Decolonizing methodologies: research and Indigenous peoples
Linda Tuhiwai Smith
Critically examines the historical and philosophical base of western research.

Elements of Indigenous style
Gregory Younging
To help produce material that reflects Indigenous people in an appropriate and respectful manner.

Indigenous knowledges in global contexts: multiple readings of our world
edited by George J. Sefa Dei, Budd L. Hall, and Dorothy Goldin Rosenberg
Discussion of Indigenous knowledges and their implication for academic decolonization.

Indigenous methodologies: characteristics, conversations and contexts
Margaret Kovach
Guidance to those conducting research in the academy using Indigenous methodologies.

Research is ceremony: Indigenous research methods
Shawn Wilson
Describes a research paradigm shared by Indigenous scholars in Canada and Australia.

Research for Indigenous survival
Lori Lambert
Adjusting research methodologies in the behavioral sciences to Native values and tribal community life.

Indigenous and decolonizing studies in education: mapping the long view
edited by Linda Tuhiwai-Smith, Eve Tuck, K. Wayne Yang
Helps define and imagine the interstices between Indigenous, decolonizing studies, and education.

Indigenous research methodologies
Bagele Chilisa
Situates research in a larger, historical, and cultural context with case studies from around the globe.

Indigenous statistics: a quantitative research methodology
Maggie Walter, Chris Andersen
Methodological toolkit for conducting Indigenous research or using Indigenous population statistics.

Research as resistance
edited by Susan Strega and Leslie Brown
Chapters by Indigenous authors discuss marginalized knowledges in social science research.

Indigenous research: theories, practices, and relationships
edited by Deborah McGregor, Jean-Paul Restoule and Rochelle Johnston

Reclaiming Indigenous research in higher education
edited by Robin Starr Minthorn and Heather J. Shotton
Research methodologies and paradigms based in tribal knowledge systems and values.

Sources and methods in Indigenous studies
edited by Chris Andersen and Jean M. O'Brien
An overview of the dynamic state of the field in Indigenous Studies.

Indigenous philosophies and critical education: a reader
edited by George J. Sefa Dei
De-colonial/anti-colonial intellectual journey in ways informed by Indigenous theorizing.

Indigenous pathways into social research: voices of a new generation
edited by Donna M. Mertens, Fiona Cram, Bagele Chilisa
Insights into communities under the research gaze and offer new ways of knowing to traditional scholarly models.

Handbook of critical and Indigenous methodologies
edited by Norman K. Denzin, Yvonna S. Lincoln, Linda Tuhiwai Smith
Explores the Indigenous and nonindigenous voices that inform research, policy, politics, and social justice.

Indigenous storywork: educating the heart, mind, body, and spirit
Jo-Ann Archibald (Q'um Q'um Xiiem)
Ways of bringing storytelling into educational contexts based on the author's work with Elders and storytellers.

Indigenous identity and resistance
edited by Brendan Hokowhitu and Chris Andersen
Brings together the work of Indigenous Studies scholars working in Canada, New Zealand and the Pacific.

Native science: natural laws of interdependence
Gregory Cajete
Delves into art, myth, ceremony, and symbol, as well as Native science in the physical sphere.

Anthropologists, Indigenous scholars and the research endeavour
edited by Joy Hendry and Laara Fitznor
Explores the boundaries of the term "indigeneity," and different senses as ways of knowing.

Braiding sweetgrass
Robin Wall Kimmerer
Embraces Indigenous teachings that consider plants and animals to be our oldest teachers.

Teaching each other: Nehinuw concepts and Indigenous pedagogies
Linda M. Goulet and Keith N. Goulet
Drawing on Nehinuw (Cree) concepts, demonstrates how teachers and students can become partners in education.

Decolonizing education: nourishing the learning spirit
Marie Battiste
The nature of Eurocentric models of education, and their devastating impacts on Indigenous knowledge.

Bridging cultures: scientific and Indigenous ways of knowing nature
Glen Aikenhead, Herman Michell
Topics such as eurocentric sciences and Indigenous ways of living in nature.

Protecting Indigenous knowledge and heritage: a global challenge
Marie Battiste and James (Sa'ke'j) Youngblood Henderson
Discusses why current legal regimes are inadequate to protect Indigenous knowledge, and puts forward ideas for reform.

Working with elders and Indigenous knowledge systems
Herman Michell
Key Indigenous concepts such as identity, elders, Indigenous knowledge, and Indigenous worldview.
Indigenous Authors in the Spotlight Series
Inuit Testimony, Critique & Practice (Fall 2022)
Memoirs & Life Stories (Fall 2021)
Indigenous Feminisms (Spring/Summer 2020)
Science Fiction & Futurisms (Fall 2019)
Indigenous Poetry (Winter 2019)
Indigenous Knowledges and Research Methods (2018)