Statistics & data
On this page
- Statistics
- Data
See also:
- Access is restricted to Concordia users
Canada: Statistics Canada
Statistics Canada catalogues and publications
- Search Statistics Canada's current publications and research papers in print and electronic formats.
- Search Statistics Canada Library's online catalogue for current and discontinued publications.
- The Daily: official release of Statistics Canada data. Includes the latest Indicators on Canada’s economy, land, people and the State.
Census of Population
- Latest Census: 2021 Census
- Previous censuses (2016, 2011, 2006, 2001, 1996)
- Community Profiles. 2021 / 2016 /
2011 /
2006 /
2001 /
Contains free tabular data for all communities in Canada (cities, town, villages, Indian Reserves and Indian Settlements, etc.) on population, education, income, families and dwellings, births and deaths. A map of the area is available. Historical Statistics of Canada: from Confederation in 1867 to the mid 1970s. See also: the first and second editions (in print)
- Census of Canada - Digitized Historical Census files (Library and Archives Canada): from 1825 - 1900's
- Census of Canada (University of Toronto Map and Data Library): Very extensive guide to data tables, maps and digitized (pdf) volumes.
- Censuses of Canada, 1665-1871 (Queen's University Library)
Data tables and databases
- Search Statistics Canada's Data Tables
Canadian Census Analyser (via CHASS): a search and retrieval system for the Census of Canada back to 1961.
Odesi: Odesi is a portal giving access to a wide range of statistical data including public microdata files from Statistics Canada.
- Other statistical databases, from the Databases by subject page.
- See also: Government Information
Governmental sites for cities, provinces & territories

United States
- U.S. Census Bureau: including QuickFacts
- Federal Government and Statistical Agencies: links to key federal agencies that may provide statistics.
- National Historical Geographic Information System (NHGIS) provides easy access to summary tables and time series of population, housing, agriculture, and economic data, along with GIS-compatible boundary files, for years from 1790 through the present and for all levels of U.S. census geography, including states, counties, tracts, and blocks.
- U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: including Economy at a Glance | Consumer Expenditure Surveys.
Historical Statistics of the United States: comprehensive statistical portrait of the U.S. from colonial times to the present.

International comparative statistics
UNData: official statistics produced by countries and compiled by the UN data system; indicators, estimates, projections.
World Bank: World Development Indicators (WDI) | Global Financial Development | DataBank (The World Bank) | World Bank Open Data.
- EuroStat: European Union.
- An independent website which compiles statistics from such sources as the CIA World Factbook, United Nations, World Health Organization, and the World Bank.
- International statistical organizations: compiled by Statistics Canada.
- United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD)
Individual governments
- International Statistical Agencies on the Web: University of Wisconsin.
More sources of world statistics
- Population Reference Bureau: population and health data.

Beyond 20/20
- Beyond 20/20: This browser is available on public workstations at the Library. This browser is needed to view some statistical data, including much of what is included in Odesi. It can also be downloaded for free from Statistics Canada.

What is the Data Liberation Initiative (DLI)?
The Data Liberation Initiative is a Statistics Canada program established in cooperation with various academic organizations, through which students, faculty and staff of Canadian universities get enhanced access to specialized electronic data, especially microdata. For more information on the DLI program and a list of available products, see the DLI official website.

What kind of data is available through the DLI?
There are two forms of numeric data: aggregate data and microdata (raw data). For a definition of these terms, see the DLI Survival Guide. Although some versions of the data may already have been published in print publications and/or on Statistics Canada's Web site, sometimes with analysis, the DLI sources provide microdata so that researchers can perform their own tabulations or analysis.
Aggregate data is provided in formats such as Beyond 20/20, Excel, and other formats which allow the display and manipulation of data into new tables.
Microdata is provided in SPSS, SAS or other database-compatible formats for original statistical analysis. Knowledge of statistical techniques is necessary to access and manipulate the data.
The DLI also provides geographic data files in GIS format such as ArcReader and MapInfo.
DLI products complement the standard statistics available through Statistics Canada's regular channels.

How do I access DLI data?
Through the web
Special consortium agreements with other institutions have made it possible for Concordia faculty, students and staff to access much of the DLI data through the Web, remotely, through common Web interfaces.
Aggregate data:
- Search Statistics Canada's Data Tables
- Canadian Census Analyser (also includes Census microdata files, and includes census back to 1971)
- BCI's Statistical and Geographic Data page: (Detailed tables usually not available from Statistics Canada's data page)
- <odesi> - includes Public Use Microdata Files (PUMF) for the Census and some Statistics Canada's surveys as well as aggregate data from multiple sources).
Geospatial data
- Canadian Census Geographic Files
- Note: More geospatial files are available from from the Concordia Library's Geospatial Data subject guide
On request (DLI website: FTP and Web collection)
Some data can only be obtained on request, by the DLI Librarian.
For more information, see the DLI web site

U.S. and International Microdata
ICPSR: a large data repository for the social sciences. Focuses on U.S. topics, but international and Canadian datasets are also included.
- IPUMS: provides census and survey data from around the world integrated across time and space. IPUMS integration and documentation makes it easy to study change, conduct comparative research, merge information across data types, and analyze individuals within family and community contexts.
- GESIS (Leibniz Institute for Social Sciences): Major European social sciences research institute. Datasets are available on a variety of socio-economic topics of European and international interest.

DLI contact person
To request DLI products, or for more information, send an email to GIS and Data Services Librarian Alex Guindon at: