Statistics & data
On this page
See also:
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Canada: Statistics Canada
Statistics Canada catalogues and publications
- Search Statistics Canada's current publications and research papers in print and electronic formats.
- Search Statistics Canada Library's online catalogue for current and discontinued publications.
- The Daily: official release of Statistics Canada data. Includes the latest Indicators on Canada’s economy, land, people and the State.
Census of Population
- Latest Census: 2021 Census
- Previous censuses (2016, 2011, 2006, 2001, 1996)
- Community Profiles. 2021 / 2016 /
2011 /
2006 /
2001 /
Contains free tabular data for all communities in Canada (cities, town, villages, Indian Reserves and Indian Settlements, etc.) on population, education, income, families and dwellings, births and deaths. A map of the area is available. - Historical Statistics of Canada: from Confederation in 1867 to the mid 1970s. See also: the first and second editions (in print)
- Census of Canada - Digitized Historical Census files (Library and Archives Canada): from 1825 - 1900's
- Census of Canada (University of Toronto Map and Data Library): Very extensive guide to data tables, maps and digitized (pdf) volumes.
- Censuses of Canada, 1665-1871 (Queen's University Library)
Data tables and databases
- Search Statistics Canada's Data Tables
- Canadian Census Analyser (via CHASS): a search and retrieval system for the Census of Canada back to 1961.
- Odesi: Odesi is a portal giving access to a wide range of statistical data including public microdata files from Statistics Canada.
- Other statistical databases, from the Databases by subject page.
- See also: Government Information