PBUQ card
Faculty (including retired faculty), staff and students of Concordia University may be eligible to borrow items in person from other Canadian libraries as described below by first obtaining a PBUQ (Partenariat des bibliothèques universitaires du Québec) card from Concordia University Library
How to get your PBUQ card
Bring your Concordia ID to the Circulation Services at Vanier Library or Loans & Returns Desk at Webster Library.
When borrowing from other university libraries, please take note of the following:
- The borrower must identify himself/herself to the lending library by means of a PBUQ card as well as provide appropriate personal identification (picture ID) for registration.
- In requesting a PBUQ card, the borrower is acknowledging that he/she will respect the policies and procedures of the lending library, including returns and fines policies.
- All fines, replacement costs, and other fees are based upon the policies of the lending library. The borrower in arrears may reestablish his/her borrowing privileges once all fines and fees are paid to the lending library.
- Borrowed material may be returned at the returns counter of the lending library or to the returns counter of the borrower's home library.

Graduate students, faculty and staff
Concordia University graduate students in Masters, Doctoral or eligible diploma programs, faculty and staff holding a PBUQ card are entitled to the same borrowing privileges as those granted to undergraduate students, external or other categories of borrowers, as the case may be. In addition, by virtue of a special agreement amongst the Quebec university libraries, Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec (BAnQ) is also part of the Agreement.
Upon presentation of a valid Concordia ID card, students, faculty and staff, in good standing, may obtain a PBUQ card at the Webster Library Loans & Returns desk or Vanier Library's Circulation Services during service hours.
For more information, please refer to https://www.curba.ca/.

Undergraduate students
Full- and part-time undergraduate students who are registered in a regular program, and in good standing, may have the privilege of borrowing, in person, up to three (3) items for a maximum of 14 days, without renewal, from other Quebec university libraries, including the Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec (BAnQ) and the Institut québecois de la recherche sur la culture.
Upon presentation of a valid Concordia ID card, students, in good standing, may obtain a PBUQ card at the Webster Library Loans & Returns desk or Vanier Library's Circulation desk during service hours.

Joint-study programs
Faculty and students enrolled in a program that is offered jointly, either by extension, association or cooperation, between Concordia University and other Quebec universities, are entitled to the same library services and borrowing privileges as those granted to faculty and students in a regular program, including reciprocal borrowing privileges, interlibrary loans, reserves, reference services and on-site access to electronic documents and databases.
Upon presentation of a valid Concordia ID card, students, faculty and staff, in good standing, may obtain a PBUQ card at the Webster Library Loans & Returns desk or Vanier Library's Circulation Services desk during service hours.
For more information, please refer to https://www.curba.ca/.