Study spaces
Graduate study spaces
Webster Library

Areas specifically for graduate students are located on the 5th floor of the Webster Library.
Dissertation Writers' Rooms
- LB-561 “Iceland”
- LB-562 “Venezuela”
- LB-564 “Mali”
Reading Room
- LB-545 “Spain”
Graduate Shelves and Lockers
Students must go to the Webster Loans & Returns Desk during service hours to obtain a shelf and/or locker in the Webster graduate study space. Find out more about Webster Library's Dissertation Writers’ Rooms.
A number of lockers in Webster Library's Dissertation Writers' Rooms on LB-5 become available three times during the academic year. The dates for this year are:
- Monday, September 30, 2024
- Monday, January 27, 2025
- Monday, May 26, 2025
To ensure a quiet study environment for all users of the rooms, no group discussions are permitted in the enclosed areas. In the Webster Library, food is permitted only in the kitchen beside the graduate students' lounge. Graduate study rooms are accessible when the Webster Library is open for study.
Vanier Library
The Vanier Library Graduate Study Rooms are located in VL-307 and VL-305.
- A valid Concordia student ID must be presented at the Vanier Library Circulation Desk (during opening hours) to obtain an access code to these Graduate Study Rooms. The code is assigned to an individual student and must not be shared with others.
- For security reasons, these rooms are open from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. during Fall and Winter semesters. In the Summer semester, the rooms are open during Library opening hours. Please leave the room when Security agents do their rounds.
No personal items, food or drink should be kept in the Graduate Study Rooms. If these items are found in the rooms, they will be removed.
- VL-307
- This room is shared by several graduate students. To promote a quiet study environment for all users of this Room, no group discussions are permitted.
- Students may "borrow" a shelf for keeping library materials. Shelves are assigned for a one-year period, with the expiry date being September 30. Shelves are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Library books that you want to keep on the shelf must be checked out at the Circulation Desk. The items are assigned to a shelf for a year. Any items assigned to the shelf will have a flag that corresponds to that year (one book/one flag). An item found without a flag will be removed from the shelf by Library staff.
- You are encouraged to return material that is no longer needed to the Circulation Desk. All material kept on a shelf must be returned or renewed by the due date indicated on the slip.
- The Library reserves the right to remove any materials that have been recalled/requested by other users after an initial 30-day loan period. A slip with information about the book and the reason for its removal will be left on the shelf.
- VL-305
- This room is intended to be a meeting room for group work or discussion (maximum 3 people).
- This room can be used on a first-come, first-served basis. However, the room can be booked ahead of time. Priority is given to those who have made a booking.
- Bookings are limited to current graduate students.
- The room can be reserved for up to 3 hours per day.
- Reservations can be made up to 14 days in advance.
- There is a maximum of one reservation a day, 3 reservations per week, Monday to Sunday.