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E-resource browser extensions

LibKey Nomad

LibKey Nomad logo features a white flame in a green tear drop

Concordia researchers can get one-click access journal articles and ebooks directly from scholarly websites.

LibKey Nomad is a browser extension that provides links to full-text content from the Library's subscription e-resources as you perform research on the web.

Sites such as publisher websites, PubMed and Wikipedia that publish article and e-book DOIs and PMIDs will trigger LibKey Nomad to provide a link to the full text in the lower left corner of your browser window.

How to set up LibKey Nomad

  1. Visit the LibKey Nomad download webpage.
  2. Click on the appropriate browser and follow the instructions to install the extension.
  3. Search for and select Concordia University Canada as your organization.

Libkey Nomad is available for the following browsers:

  • Chrome
  • Edge
  • Firefox
  • Brave
  • Vivaldi
  • Safari

You do not need to create an account to use LibKey Nomad. See LibKey Nomad's privacy policy at: Third Iron Privacy Policy.

LibKey Nomad links explained

Look for the following LibKey Nomad links when you find scholarly articles on sites like PubMed, Wikipedia, and publisher websites including Nature and The Lancet:

big blue button with the words download PDF

Download PDF: Open or download the article PDF directly with a single click.

big blue button with words article link

Article Link: A link directly to a webpage with the article's full text.

big blue button with words manuscript PDF

Manuscript PDF and Manuscript Link: A link to the accepted manuscript form of the article.

big blue button with words access options

Access Options: The library may not have full-text access to this article but access to the journal or request the article via interlibrary loan may be possible through the library.

small blue button with words view complete issue

View Complete Issue: A link to the journal's table of contents for the issue in which the article was published on Concordia's BrowZine platform.

big blue button with words provided by

Provided by: Appears on websites such as Wikipedia and PubMed where smaller Download PDF, Access Options etc. links appear within the text of the page, e.g.:

small blue button with the words download PDF small blue button with words article link small blue button with words access options

big red button with words article retracted

Article Retracted: This article has been restracted by either the authors, publisher or editors of the journal. Click to see details of the retraction.

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One-click access to Open Access content.

Unpaywall logo features an open lock with the word unpaywall in white on a green background

The Unpaywall browser extension provides links to full text scholarly articles available for free. A green tab with an open lock will appear on the right-hand side of the page when a legally deposited version of the article you're currently looking at is available on a publisher, university or government website.

An example of the unpaywall link which is a small white open lock on a green background that appears on the right-hand side of the browser window

What is Unpaywall?

Unpaywall is a nonprofit organization that harvests open access content from publishers and repositories and builds tools to make full text easier to find and use. Unpaywall content is already available in the Sofia Discovery tool, BrowZine and LibKey Nomad.

How to set up Unpaywall

  1. Visit the Unpaywall download webpage.
  2. Click on the appropriate browser and follow the instructions to install the extension.
  3. Search for and select Concordia University Canada as your organization.

Unpaywall is available for the following browsers:

  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Brave (via Chrome Web Store)
  • Vivaldi (via Chrome Web Store)

Unpaywall may be available through other extensions for browsers not listed such as Open Access Helper for Safari.

You do not need to create an account to use Unpaywall. See Unpaywall's privacy policy at: Unpaywall Privacy Policy.

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EZProxy Redirect

Immediately redirect your your URL through the Library's EZProxy.

EZproxy redirect logo features a book next to the words ezproxy redirect in black

EZproxy Redirect allows you to quickly rewrite the URL to route the current webpage through Concordia's EZproxy. This will allow you to bypass paywalls if Concordia Library has a subscription to the content you are attempting to access.

How to set up EZProxy Redirect

EZproxy Redirect is available for the following browsers:

  • Chrome
  • Firefox (note that for Firefox the extension is called EZproxy Redirect Foxified)
  • Brave (via Chrome Web Store)
  • Vivaldi (via Chrome Web Store)

To install this extension visit the appropriate extensions or addons webpage for your browser, links below, and follow instructions to add the extension to your browser.

Additional setup is required to use Concordia's EZproxy.

For Chrome:

  1. Edit the extension options by right clicking on the icon and selecting Options. Screenshot of ezproxy redirect extension menu
  2. Search for and select Concordia University (Montreal, Canada) in the list of schools and click Add and Save. Screenshot of ezproxy's options setup

For Firefox:

  1. Edit the extension options by right clicking on the icon and clicking on the gear or selecting Manage Extension. Screenshot of ezproxy redirect extension menu
  2. Click Options under the title of the extension and search for and select Concordia University (Montreal, Canada) in the list of schools and click Save. Screenshot of ezproxy redirect extension options

You do not need to create an account to use EZproxy Redirect. See Unpaywall's privacy policy at: Unpaywall Privacy Policy.

Note: If the library does not have a subscription to the content you are attempting to access, you may encounter an error page. Simply use the browser's back button to return to the previous page.

Screenshot of ezproxy's oops error page

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