Fast facts & research highlights
2023-2024 fast facts
A selection of Concordia Library statistics for the 2023-2024 fiscal year (May 31, 2023 – April 30, 2024).
Titles held: 2 474 444
Visits (attendance): 1 853 577
Course textbook loans: 11 569
Number of ereserve views/downloads: 533 814
Number of librarians: 42
Total number of group study room bookings: 57 457
Laptops and tablets borrowed: 12 567
Questions answered by librarians and library staff: 29 886
Workshops delivered: 329
Workshop participants: 8 870
For more statistics, including statistics from previous years, please consult the Annual CARL (Canadian Association of Research Libraries) Statistics Publications and/or Statistiques générales des bibliothèques from BCI (Bureau de coopération interuniversitaire) (in French only).

Research highlights
The 2023-2024 research highlights report provides an overview of research-related initiatives at Concordia Library, including funding awarded to Concordia librarians and research dissemination activities.

Past annual reports