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To find handbooks in the Sofia Discovery tool, enter a general subject in the search box below. Retrieval will be a combination of print and online handbooks.
Example: Nanotechnology
On this page, you will find a selective list of online handbooks in a variety of broad subject areas available to Concordia users.
Handbooks are comprehensive reference sources which are useful for finding current data, instructions, or specific information on a topic.
Handbooks can have information presented concisely as data, tables, and illustrations, as well as practical applications, techniques, and best practices. Many handbooks have comprehensive reviews of current theory, and summaries of research, presenting overviews of major problems and positions taken by major researchers in the field.
Handbooks serve as a framework for subsequent research and are a suitable point of entry for students unfamiliar with a particular subject area. You can find many more handbooks, in print or online, by searching the library catalogue.
The vast majority of science handbooks are available in print only. Biology, Chemistry & Biochemistry, and Physics handbooks are listed separately on their respective subject guides. See also online science encyclopedias. Below is a selective list of online handbooks.