How to find books
Searching in the Sofia Discovery tool
Enter keywords in the search box to run a simple search in the Sofia Discovery tool.
There are a few way to make your search more complex. Either you can follow the link to the Advanced Search page (just below the search box), or you can use some of the following notations:
- “greenhouse effect” for results where the words are side-by-side
- “greenhouse effect” OR “greenhouse gases” for results that include either phrase
- (“greenhouse effect” OR “greenhouse gases”) AND (ecosystem OR animals) for results that include one phrase from each group
- (“greenhouse effect*” OR “greenhouse gas*) AND (ecosystem* OR animal*) to retrieve all words that start with those letters
Advanced Search lets you use all of those notations, and also search particular fields (e.g. Author). You can use each search box for a different word or phrase.
You can also set limits on date, location or format.