Borrow a tablet (iPad)
Tablet availability
Here is the current status:

Who can borrow a tablet?
All Concordia students, faculty members and staff with no outstanding fines or liabilities of more than $50.00 may borrow a laptop.
A fine of $10 per day is imposed for the late return of a tablet. For more information, see the Policy on Overdue and Lost Material.

When, where and for how long can I borrow a tablet?
Library Tablets | Tech Sandbox Tablets | |
When | Library tablets are available during Vanier Library Circulation desk service hours and the Webster Library Loans Desk service hours. | Technology Sandbox tablets and iPads are available during Technology Sandbox service hours. |
Where | Library tablets can be borrowed at the Vanier Library Circulation desk and the Webster Library Loans & Returns desk. They must be returned in person at the same desk where they were borrowed. |
To borrow, pick up a white "tech" card at the Webster Library Loans & Returns desk first. The card must then be brought to the Technology Sandbox to exchange for the item. Technology Sandbox tablets must be returned to the Technology Sandbox. |
For How Long | Library tablets can be borrowed for 3 days. Renewals and reservations are not permitted. | Tech Sandbox tablets can be borrowed for 7 days. Renewals and reservations are not permitted. |
You may leave the Library with a borrowed tablet. Many buildings on both campuses provide access to the Concordia wireless network.

Who is responsible for damage or theft?
The person who checked out the tablet is responsible for returning the tablet in good condition. In case of damage, theft or loss, the user will be charged the cost of full replacement. Do not under any circumstances leave a tablet unattended.
If the tablet is not returned, damaged, or if parts are missing, sanctions will be applied in accordance with the Library's Policy on Overdue and Lost Material:
- Your Library borrowing privileges will be suspended
- You will be charged for the full replacement cost of the tablet.
- You will be subject to the Concordia University policy on payment of tuition and other fees.

Protecting personal information
When you return the Library iPad tablet to staff at the Loans & Returns / Circulation desk, you will be asked to erase all content and settings with a staff member present. This will erase all personal content and ensure to staff that the device is not locked with a user’s personal login information. Returning a tablet that has been locked with personal login information will result in a user being charged the replacement cost of the tablet; this cost will be waived if the user comes to unlock the device within a specified timeframe.

How many, what kind, what is on them?
125 - 16GB Wi-Fi iPads are available for loan:
- 30 at the Vanier Library
- 95 at the Webster Library
All Library tablet loans include carry case and a 2-piece charge cord. All tablets come with selected applications. You are free to purchase and load applications from your own personal iTunes account.
5 Android tablets (NVIDIA Shields) and 5 iPad Pro tablets are available through the Technology Sandbox.

Applications installed on the tablets
Library iPad tablets have all built-in apps (Safari, Mail, iBooks, Photos, FaceTime, Maps, Messages, Calendar, Reminders, App Store, iTunes, etc.) plus the iWorks Suite of productivity apps (Pages - for word processing, Numbers - for spreadsheets, and Keynote - for presentations).
If you'd like to download more apps, such as Skype, you can go to Settings > Store > Sign Out, and sign in with your own Apple ID, which you can create (if you don't already have one): Create a new Apple ID

How do I log into the wireless network?
For information on how to log into the wireless network from a tablet, consult this guide: Concordia wireless network.

How do I get help?
You are expected to be self-directed in your use of the tablet. It is assumed that you will be familiar with the iOS, iTunes and the Apps Store.
Hardware or software problems should be directed to the Loans & Returns desk /Circulation desk at either library.
Help with the use of Library resources is available through the Ask a Librarian service.

How do I charge the tablet?
The Library iPad tablets are loaned with a power adapter and a USB charge cord.
PLEASE NOTE - Do not attempt to plug in a tablet with your own power adapter as this will damage the battery and the tablet.

How do I print, save and email files?
You can use Concordia's WebPrint website to print pages from a web browser on library tablets.
Go to and log in using your My CU account netname.
When you return the tablet to the Circulation desk/Loans & Returns desk, with the assistance of a staff member, you will erase all content and settings. To keep your files, you will have to email them to yourself or use an online storage app such as Dropbox.
Also note that in each productivity app there is the option to email the document to yourself.
In order to email yourself the documents you have worked on, you will need to have your email set up on the tablet. You will find the email app (simply called Mail) in the Communications folder.

Rules & guidelines
Before making use of a tablet, library users should be aware of the University Policy on Computing Facilities and the University Code of Rights and Responsibilities.