Feedback & improvement initiatives
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- Feedback
- Improvement initiatives
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User navigation project
We were interested in learning more about how people locate the Library’s services and navigate the physical spaces in order to help us come up with solutions regarding wayfinding in the newly renovated Webster Library and in the planning of any Vanier Library improvements. This project ran in two parts from September 2019 to March 2020. Thank you to everyone who participated. The Library will use the findings to inform future signage, tools and library design.
Phase 1: Library postcards
From September 23 to November 4, there were blue mailboxes around the Library, asking users to send us a postcard about things they found frustrating or hard to find as they traveled around the Library.
The purpose was to help us identify the problems that users are having when navigating the Library, and which resources or services are difficult to find.

Phase 1: Results
We received over 600 postcards. Some postcards related to navigation (locating bathrooms, finding specific rooms, finding books, identifying printers, finding the right elevator, etc.), and many postcards related to facilities, noise, food, and library services.
We will use the navigation-related comments to help us plan the second phase in the navigation project, in the Winter 2020 semester.
Phase 2: Navigating the Library
In February and March 2020, we asked for help from student participants. Twelve participants were given a scenario with two tasks and asked to find their way around the Library to accomplish those tasks. After they had finished, we sat down with them to discuss their experience navigating the Library.

Phase 2: Results
We learned many things from all our participants, but some of the things that came up in several scenarios was that:
- Signage at the Webster Library is clear and consistent;
- It is difficult to find a room at the Webster Library when you only have the room name, but not the number;
- Participants consulted the digital kiosks to help them find their way, but the information layout and design needs improvement;
- The group study rooms at the Vanier Library can be hard to find;
- The signs at the Vanier Library are clear and useful, however, they are mismatched and not visually pleasing.
If you have any questions or comments about this project, please send us a message on our Feedback & Suggestions blog.

Library visitor survey
On January 31st, 2018, the Concordia Library held a 24-hour survey to learn more about its users. During that day, the Library asked those entering Webster Library, Vanier Library and the Grey Nuns the following questions:
- Why did you come to the Library today?
- What is your affiliation to Concordia?
- Which Concordia faculty do you belong to?
The purpose of the survey was to provide us with a snapshot of Concordia Library users and their use of space, collections and resources, in a typical day.
The results of the survey are available in the following report, and in the interactive visualization below (click on the image).

LibQUAL+ is a survey used by libraries that measures the quality of library services. It is completed by students and faculty members at several universities across Canada and coordinated by the Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL). The LibQUAL+ survey was originally developed by scholars at Texas A&M University in collaboration with the Association of Research Libraries (ARL), and over 1000 libraries from various countries have participated in this survey since 2000.
The goals of LibQUAL+ are to:
- Foster a culture of excellence in providing library service
- Help libraries better understand user perceptions of library service quality
- Collect and interpret library user feedback systematically over time
- Provide libraries with comparable assessment information from peer institutions
- Identify best practices in library service
- Enhance library staff members' analytical skills for interpreting and acting on data
Further information can also be found at