Feedback & improvement initiatives
LibQUAL+ is a survey used by libraries that measures the quality of library services. It is completed by students and faculty members at several universities across Canada and coordinated by the Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL). The LibQUAL+ survey was originally developed by scholars at Texas A&M University in collaboration with the Association of Research Libraries (ARL), and over 1000 libraries from various countries have participated in this survey since 2000.
The goals of LibQUAL+ are to:
- Foster a culture of excellence in providing library service
- Help libraries better understand user perceptions of library service quality
- Collect and interpret library user feedback systematically over time
- Provide libraries with comparable assessment information from peer institutions
- Identify best practices in library service
- Enhance library staff members' analytical skills for interpreting and acting on data
Further information can also be found at