United Kingdom
- GOV.UK United Kingdom Government Portal
- The Official Yearbook of the United Kingdom - Overview of government, society and culture (2000-2013)
- 10 Downing Street - Prime Minister's Office
- How government works - who runs the UK government, how the UK government is run and the history of the UK government
- UK Government Web Archive - 1996 to present
- UK European Union Membership Referendum Web Archive - archived websites from Brexit "leave" & "remain" campaigns.

- Hansard UK Parliament
- House of Commons - Hansard/Debates archives (1803-2005) UK Parliament
- British House of Commons Parliarmentary Papers (Commons & Lords Hansard 1803-2005) ProQuest database
- Corbbett's Parliamentary Debates - Hansard (1066-1803) print, multi-volume set, vols 1-36
- Journals of the House of Commons (1547-1699, 1830) British History Online
- Journals of the House of Lords (1509-1793, 1830-2) British History Online
- D'Ewes Journals - House of Commons (1581-1603) (Early English Books Online)
- House of Commons Journals (1997-present) UK Parliament
- House of Lords Minutes and Order Papers (1997-present) UK Parliament
Sessional Papers
- Parliamentary/Sessional Papers (Commons: 1688-current) & (Lords 1714-1805) ProQuest database
- House of Lords: Sessional Papers (2002-present) UK Parliament

- UK Legislation (Acts 1988-current) & (Statutory instruments 1987-current) UK Government/National Archives
- Statute Law Database - Revised Statutes UK government
- Official Publications - Command Papers and House of Commons Papers (1994- ) UK government

Historical records
- HISTPOP - Online Historical Population Reports, UK Census: 1801-1946
- Vision of Britain: Census Reports - 1801-1971