Quebec and Montreal
- Government of Québec
- CUBIQ - collective catalogue of the Québec government libraries
- BAnQ catalogue - catalogue of the Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec(BAnQ), Quebec's national library, located in Montreal, searchable in English or French
- Investissement Québec - gateway for foreign and domestic investors, with information by industry sectors
- Publications gourvernementales du Québec en ligne - Search the full text of Québec government publications submitted to the BAnQ by legal deposit since 2001. More than 10,000 documents available online.
- Publications Québec
- Ministère de l'éducation, loisir et sport - English portal to the Ministère

- Statutes and Regulations of Québec
- From CanLII (search or browse in English or French)
- From LégisQuébec (search or browse in English or French)
- Annual Statutes/lois annuelles (1978-1995) from La Bibliothèque de l’Assemblée nationale (Français)
- Civil code of Québec
- From Éditeur officiel du Québec
- From CanLII
- éducaloi - "Windows on the law. Your rights and obligations explained" [English; Français]
- SOQUIJ - Société québécoise d'information juridique
- A selection of decisions from courts and tribunals with unofficial English translations of their selected judgments.

National Assembly
- Debates/Journal des débats (1867 to present) (Français)
- Bills(1994-present)
- La Bibliothèque de l’Assemblée nationale/Library of the National Assembly

City of Montreal
- Ville de Montréal - Le Portail Officiel/Official Portal
- Archives de Montréal - Le guide des archives for a description of archival materials.
- Montréal en statistiques
- Droit et Récours/ Rights and Recourses - information on permits, municipal by-laws and by-laws relating to urbanism in the City of Montréal or its boroughs
- L'Office municipal d'habitation de Montréal - the OMHM is a non-profit organization responsible for managing low-rent housing in the City of Montréal
- Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal - administrative, statistical, studies, planning documents, and press releases, in French and selectively in English
- Montréal International
- Tourisme Montréal - statistics, news and trends
- Direction de santé publique de Montréal - English Content - regional information on public health
- Portail gouvernemental / Région de Montréal - by the Governement of Québec
- Montréal. Municipalité et Métropole - 1920 - 1960 - Digital collection of 310 photographs.

Frequently requested documents
- Bill no. 99 (S.Q., 2000, c.46) - an Act respecting the exercise of the fundamental rights and prerogatives of the Québec people and the Québec State.
- Bill 60: Charter affirming the values of State secularism and religious neutrality and of equality between women and men, and providing a framework for accommodation requests (English)
- Projet de loi no. 60: Charte affirmant les valeurs de laïcité et de neutralité religieuse de l’État ainsi que d’égalité entre les femmes et les hommes et encadrant les demandes d’accommodement (Français)