IGOs and international governments
International Governmental Organizations (IGOs)
- Access is Restricted to Concordia Users
- International Organizations - a Library of Congress Internet Resource Page - gateway to web sites of selected international organizations, such as OAS, UN, NATO, and the EU
- International Government Information at UC Berkeley - Government & Social Science Information, United Nations Documents & Publications
European Union
- Europa, the official website of the European Union - for the EU and its constituent bodies
- The European Union in Canada - a basic site focusing on EU-Canada relations
- The European Union in the US - much more than just U.S. information:
- European Union Internet Resources (UC Berkeley Library) - guide to the EU servers & institutions; site is divided into four sections: EU Servers & Institutions, EU Documents on the Web, Servers of Interest in or from EU Countries, other items of interest.
- European Union Publications – Access the register of documents of the EU institutions for all official EU documents
- European Sources Online - Database providing access to information on the institutions and activities of the European Union: websites, and publications from the EU and other organisations, national governments, think tanks, working papers and, full text articles.
- Archive of European Integration – electronic repository and archive for research materials on the topic of European integration and unification (University of Pittsburgh)
United Nations
UN Documentation: Research Guide - provides an overview of the documents and publications issued by the UN (e.g., reports, resolutions, meeting records, speeches, press releases) and offers links to websites
Documents - Online Documentation System (ODS) - use keywords to locate UN documents (everything from 1993 onwards is available online, older documents have also been digitized)
Other sources of United Nations information
- UN Data
- UN Comtrade United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics database (UN Comtrade) provides information on any commodity for over 200 countries and areas.
- Global Human Development Indicators
- UN News Center - UN News Service stories can be searched from April 2001 to present
- Journal of the United Nations - today's programme of meetings and agenda
- Yearbook of the United Nations - coverage of political and security matters, human rights issues, economic and social questions, legal issues, and institutional, administrative and budgetary matters of the UN.
- UN Meetings Coverage and Press Releases
- UN Observances - arranged by topic
- UN Treaty Collection
- United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
- Human Development Reports - information about and significant excerpts from the Human Development Reports from 1990 onward. The most recent reports include the full text of the Human Development Index (HDI) and other Human Development Indicators. Note that full printed versions of the Human Development Reports are available at both Concordia Libraries.
- United Nations System of Organizations - official website locator for the United Nations System of Organizations; includes an alphabetical index of all UN organizations with their abbreviations.
- League of Nations Archives Resource Guide
- United Nations Scholars' Workstation at Yale University
A collection of digitized texts, finding aids, data sets, maps, and pointers to print and electronic information. Subject coverage includes disarmament, economic and social development, environment, human rights, international relations, international trade, peacekeeping, and population and demography.
Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development (OECD)
- OECD Online - this is the OECD public portal; it includes news releases, a selection of statistics, publications and documents, free access to the the OECD Observer and information on member countries, including Canada
- OECD Publications & Data - a major source of international economic information, this subscription service comprises full text access to OECD publications, which are studies, periodicals (19 titles) and statistical databases; Titles include: OECD Economic Surveys, OECD Economic Outlook, OECD Economic Studies, etc. Users can access materials in PDF format or download statistical data viewable in Excel or the Beyond 20/20 browser. Access is available off campus.
Financial Organizations
- International Monetary Fund (IMF) Publications
- IMF E-Library International Financial Statistics (IFS), Balance of Payments Statistics (BOPS), Government Finance Statistics (GFS) and Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS)
- IMF International Financial Statistics Online
- World Bank Publications & Data
- World Development Indicators (WDI) Primary World Bank database for development data from officially-recognized international sources
- World Trade Organization (WTO) Documents and Publications
Non-Governmental Policy Sources
- Kaiser Family Foundation: Health Policy U.S. & Global Health policy - non-partisan white papers, fact sheets, policy research, report, maps, and presentations.