Federal government
- Government of Canada - Information about Canada, its government and its services
- Departments and agencies listed in alphabetical order
- Service Canada Online delivery of government programs and services for Canadians
- Government of Canada: All Services - listing of Government of Canada programs and services
- Embassies and consulates by destination
- Canadian Government Offices Abroad (Embassies, Consulates, High Commissions, and Trade Offices)
- Directory - Foreign Representatives in Canada
How Canadians govern themselves
Publications Canada - Official Government of Canada documents
- Search the Publications Catalogue
- Browse the Weekly Checklist Supplement
- Learn about the Depository Services Program - provides many federal government documents to depository libraries, such as the Concordia Library
Federal Science Library
- Federal Science Library Search - one-stop, self-serve portal where you can access library print and digital collections and repositories of seven science-based departments and agencies.
Treasury Board of Canada
- GC InfoBase - a searchable online database providing financial and human resources information on government operations

Library and archives
- Library and Archives Canada (LAC)
- Archives Advanced Search
- Library Subject Guides by Topic
- Topics Index – A to Z
- Public opinion research reports - "The Communications Policy of the Government of Canada requires all federal departments and agencies to deposit with Library and Archives Canada the final reports of all public opinion research contracted since August 1, 2006. Information about these reports can be accessed through searching by department/agency, contractor, year and key words in the title."
- Search to find a report
- Government of Canada Web Archive - Since 2005, LAC has been archiving federal and non-federal web resources. This archive contains Federal government information as originally published on the Web and Federal web pages that are no longer available to the public.

Internet Archive digitized government publications
- Canadian Government Publications Collection - Internet Archive
- Sessional Papers (1901-1925), Public Accounts of Canada (1878-1993), Canada Expenditure Estimates (1873-1980), Canadian War Orders and Regulations (1942-1947), Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada publications, and more.
- Statistics Canada Collection - Internet Archive
- Historical Census (1871-1996), Canadian Statistical Review (1927-1987), and more.

- Parliament Canada Parlementaires
- House of Commons Debates (Hansard) - What was said in Parliament (1994 - present)
- House of Commons Journals (1996 - present)
- Senate Debates (Hansard) - What was said in the Senate (1996 - present)
- Journals of the Senate (1996 - present)
- Canadian Parliamentary Historical Resources - House of Commons Debates and Journals (1875-1994) & Senate Debates and Journals (1871-1996)
- Digitized Canada Hansard Dataset - English only, linked to parliamentarians biographical, party and gender information (1901-present)
- Debates of the House of Commons of the Dominion of Canada(1875-1900)
- House of Commons Debates(1867-71)
- Debates of the Senate(1867-1871)
- LEGISinfo - An essential research tool for House of Commons and Senate Bills, including the text of bills, background information, legislative summaries and important speeches. Begins with the 37th Parliament, 1st Session (January 2001).
- PARLINFO (Parliamentary Library)
- Library of Parliament Publications - full text of the "Current Issues Reviews" (CIR), "Backgrounders", "Legislative Summaries" and other series
- The Hill Times - Canada's Parliamentary Newspaper
- HillNotes Blog - Research and analysis, high-quality and non-partisan overviews on topics of interest and relevance to Parliament.
- Canadian Parliamentary Research Guide - University of Toronto Libraries

- Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
- Consolidated Statutes and Regulations of Canada
- From Justice Canada
- From CanLII (largest and most consulted free online resource for Canadian law)
- LegisINFO - Legislation & Bills
- Canada Gazette Parts I, II and III
- Supreme Court of Canada
- A Reference by the Governor in Council concerning certain questions relating to the secession of Québec from Canada.
- Un renvoi par le Gouverneur en conseil au sujet de certaines questions ayant traità la sécession du Québec du reste du Canada.
- Supreme Court of Canada Judgments - all Supreme Court judgments from the Supreme Court Reports, 1876 to the present
- Orders in Council (OIC)
- Primary Sources of Law: Canadian Legislation (Bora Laskin Law Library, University of Toronto)
- Research Guides (Osgoode Hall Law School Library, York University)

- Canadian Constitutional Documents - A Legal History (Solon Law Archives)
- Canadian Constitutional Documents and Proposals (Solon Law Archives)
- Index to Federal Royal Commissions (LAC)

Frequently requested documents
- Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Residential Schools Reports
- Federal Budget Documents (Dept. of Finance)
- Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada)
- Gathering Strength: Canada’s Aboriginal Action Plan (Publications Canada)
- Krever Commission Report on the Blood System in Canada (Health Canada)
- Commission of Inquiry into the Deployment of Canadian Forces to Somalia (Publications Canada)
- Standing Senate Committee on Transport and Communications - Interim Report on the Canadian News Media (April 2004)
- An Act to give effect to the requirement for clarity as set out in the opinion of the Supreme Court of Canada in the Quebec Secession Reference - Clarity Act