- Parliament Canada Parlementaires
- House of Commons Debates (Hansard) - What was said in Parliament (1994 - present)
- House of Commons Journals (1996 - present)
- Senate Debates (Hansard) - What was said in the Senate (1996 - present)
- Journals of the Senate (1996 - present)
- Canadian Parliamentary Historical Resources - House of Commons Debates and Journals (1875-1994) & Senate Debates and Journals (1871-1996)
- Digitized Canada Hansard Dataset - English only, linked to parliamentarians biographical, party and gender information (1901-present)
- Debates of the House of Commons of the Dominion of Canada(1875-1900)
- House of Commons Debates(1867-71)
- Debates of the Senate(1867-1871)
- LEGISinfo - An essential research tool for House of Commons and Senate Bills, including the text of bills, background information, legislative summaries and important speeches. Begins with the 37th Parliament, 1st Session (January 2001).
- PARLINFO (Parliamentary Library)
- Library of Parliament Publications - full text of the "Current Issues Reviews" (CIR), "Backgrounders", "Legislative Summaries" and other series
- The Hill Times - Canada's Parliamentary Newspaper
- HillNotes Blog - Research and analysis, high-quality and non-partisan overviews on topics of interest and relevance to Parliament.
- Canadian Parliamentary Research Guide - University of Toronto Libraries