How to share a link to an article with your students and collaborators
DOI permanent links
Sometimes you will see only a DOI, and not a permanent link, when viewing the citation information for an article. A DOI is a standardized method for identifying an electronic object. DOIs often appear in the citation or the abstract of an article or even in its full-text format.

When you have located a DOI, follow these steps to complete the link.
To convert the DOI to a URL, precede it with the following:
For example, the doi:10.1016/j.paid.2015.04.008 becomes:
This is sufficient if the article is available for free.
To create a link to an article that Concordia Library subscribes to, the Library's proxy must also be added to your URL. For example:
Tip: If you cannot find the DOI of an article, try using the following tool: