Media equipment
VCRs, Videodisc, U-Matic and DVD players
Both libraries are equipped with VHS and DVD players along with viewing monitors. Vanier Library has Beta and U-matic players, as well as a videodisc player available.
- Webster Library
- Equipment available at the Loans & Returns desk
- Support available on the 2nd floor at the Ask Us! desk (during service hours)
- Vanier Library
- Equipment available on the 2nd floor
- Videodisc player available upon request at the circulation desk
- Support available at Circulation Services (main floor, during service hours)
Note that the Visual Collections Repository (Fine Arts) has bookable individual viewing stations with Videodisc (Laserdisc) players.

CD players, turntables, and audio-cassette players
Both libraries have CD players and audio-cassette players.
The Vanier Library also has turntables, a DAT player, and a filmstrip/audio player.
Equipment is available on a first-come first-served basis.
- Webster Library
- Equipment available at the Loans & Returns desk
- Support available on the 2nd floor at the Ask Us! desk (during service hours)
- Vanier Library
- Equipment available on the 2nd floor
- Support available at Circulation Services (main floor, during service hours)

Microform readers
"Microform" is the general term referring to any document that has been reproduced in "micro" format, i.e. in images too small to be read by the naked eye. Included are:
- microfilm,
- microfiche,
- microcard,
indicating whether the medium used is rolled or flat film, transparent or opaque.
Each of these requires special magnifying equipment in order to be read (microform readers).
Scanning & Printing
Both Webster and Vanier Libraries have Scanpro scanner systems for microforms. The microfilm scanners are located on the 3rd floor of the Webster Library and on the 2nd floor at the Vanier Library. The digital scanning of newspapers and journals on microform means that microform images can be saved and then either sent to the Dprint printer (applicable charges apply), sent by email or saved as PDF or graphic files. Users may also print documents directly from microform readers for free.
- Instructions for using the microform scanners
- Watch the video below on how to load microfilm onto the scanner.

Slide viewers, slide table
- Vanier Library only
- Equipment available on the 2nd floor
- Support available at Circulation Services (main floor, during service hours)

- Headphones with audio jacks for use with a laptop, VCR, DVD player, CD player or other equipment.