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Course reserves for instructors

Types of material that can be placed on reserve

Both print and digital resources can be placed on reserve. These include:

  • Links to articles or e-books licensed for use by the Concordia University Library
  • Links to websites or streaming video or audio (see below for more information)
  • Book chapters scanned from print books
  • Articles scanned from print journals
  • Books from the Library's collection (please allow 6-8 weeks when the item you want for your course has to be ordered)

Please note that material exceeding the copyright guidelines below will require copyright clearance.

  • An entire article from a periodical
  • Up to 20% of a work (e.g. book)
  • An entire chapter from a book provided it constitutes no more than 20% of a work

For detailed information about copyrighted materials for courses, please see the Provost's COBIPEC Memo and its Appendix (Concordia's guiding documents), and the Copyright at Concordia Guide - For Instructors.

Streaming video and audio

Links to streaming video or audio can be added to the Course Reserves system. The Library has an extensive collection of video and audio databases. See our "How to find videos" guide and/or consult our list of Video and Sound databases.

If the audio or video item is not currently in the Library's collection, please fill in a Suggest a purchase request with as much detail as possible.

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