Get started with ORCID
Managing your ORCID iD
Adding information to an ORCID record
While it can take only 30 seconds to sign up, in order for ORCID to optimize disambiguation from other authors we recommend that you add enough information to make you stand out from the crowd. Consider adding your full name (or alternate names you publish under), education and employment history, or publications.
Methods for populating your ORCID record with your publications
Search and Link will find all published works from a specific platform (e.g. CrossRef, Scopus, etc.) and let you add them.
Add DOI lets you retrieve the publication info based on its DOI (e.g. from a journal publication or pre-print repository)
Add PubMed ID is especially useful if you're publishing in medical or related disciplines
Add BibTex to add the bibliographic info from a .bib file of an academic database.
Manual provides a form that you can fill-in to detail information about your work (e.g. exhibitions or works not typically indexed in academic databases).
Add BibTex makes it possible to import a complete bibliographic list of your works all at once. Collect your works in Zotero then export them to a .bib (BibTex) file, or export BibTex files from Google Scholar, Endnote, or another source.
You may additionally want to visit the ORCID knowledge base for a variety of articles which provide step by step instructions on how to add information to your ORCID profile.
Keeping tabs on an ORCID record
While there is a lot of information on your ORCID profile that can be automatically updated, we recommend that you check your ORCID to ensure that your record accurately reflects your most recent work.
Receiving update notifications From ORCID
ORCID registrants can also update their settings to receive notifications in their ORCID inbox and email whenever their ORCID record is updated by another system or when an administrative action occurs. Examples include being made a trusted individual by another user, or when a member organization requests permission to update their ORCID record (e.g. through CrossRef's auto-update process).