Loans & Returns (Circulation)
Shared Services Platform in Quebec
The Sofia Discovery tool, a shared bilingual catalogue consolidating the collections of all 18 partner institutions, provides the Concordia community with access to more than 20 million items and serves as a single portal for searching, accessing and requesting material across the member universities.
With the Partenariat des bibliothèques universitaires du Québec (PBUQ; Quebec University Library Partnership), the Concordia community benefits from the ability to borrow from any Quebec university library. Your Concordia ID card is all that is required to borrow items from libraries in this network. Use your PBUQ card to borrow from other Canadian university libraries.
The network loans service has been available since May 5, 2022. This service allows you to easily place requests for books held by other university libraries in Quebec, right within Sofia! This means if Concordia Library does not have the book you want (or if it has already been checked out) you can easily request it from one of the Quebec university libraries that has it.
Please visit the Sofia user guide for more information.