Support for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows

Librarian Veronica Bergsten teaching a workshop at the Webster Library / Librarians have been teaching Graduate Professional Development workshops since the program was created.
Ask a Librarian
We're here to help. Each year, we regularly answer over 60,000 questions and offer over 400 workshops.
Live Chat with a Librarian
Ask your question from anywhere and get a transcript for future reference
You should receive a response within 24 hours (with some exceptions)
Graduate workshops
The Library partners with Graduate Professional Development every year to offer specialized Library workshops for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows.
Workshops are open for registration on our Events page.
Find your subject librarian
For one-on-one help with your research project, schedule an appointment (see subject & course guides for contact information)
Theses and dissertations
At Concordia University, a copy of every thesis is uploaded to Spectrum, Concordia's open access research repository.
Copyright Guide for Thesis Preparation
Guide for using copyrighted material in a thesis and information on copyright issues related to the
digital deposit of theses
Spectrum Research Repository
Find open access research by Concordia scholars and browse theses written by previous graduate students
in your department from 1967-present
How to find theses, dissertations and research papers
See our guide for finding theses at Concordia and beyond
Study spaces
Graduate students and postdoctoral fellows have access to dedicated study spaces at both the Vanier and Webster libraries. More information.

Graduate study space at the Webster Library / There are three dissertation writers' rooms and a reading room specifically for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. Additional rooms are available on the third floor of the Vanier Library.
Library Research Skills Tutorial
Why take the tutorial? Here's what you'll learn
Advanced search skills: Learn how to find the appropriate information sources for university-level assignments.
Critical thinking skills: Learn how to analyze and evaluate these information sources.
Academic communication skills: Learn how to use the sources wisely in your assignments for academic success.
Subject and course guides
There are more than 50 subject guides created by librarians for departments and/or fields of study at Concordia. In each guide, you'll find recommended databases, search tips, instructions for finding materials in that subject area, and useful links.
Informative workshops
Popular Library how-to guides
Citation guides
How to cite and write bibliographies in APA, MLA, Chicago, Turabian, etc.
Guides for finding...
Articles, books, newspapers, primary sources, statistics and data, videos, etc.
Guides for writing...
Annotated bibliography, literature review, research paper, etc.
Library collections

The Sofia Discovery tool, a shared bilingual catalogue consolidating the collections of all 18 partner institutions, provides the Concordia community with access to more than 20 million items and serves as a single portal for searching, accessing and requesting material across the member universities.
Search by database name or browse by subject or
content type
Locate a specific article by citation or DOI
Browse and read journals (BrowZine)
User guide for the Sofia Discovery tool
Access to collections beyond Concordia
Borrowing items from other Quebec university libraries
Borrowing items from Canadian universities outside of Quebec (BCI card)
Graduate assistants
Persons appointed to borrow items on behalf of a graduate student