Monitoring and managing requests
Follow these steps
Sign into your Sofia (My Account) .
Under the "My Account" drop down menu in the upper right corner, click on "Requests".
Now you will see a list of all Concordia, Quebec university library, ILL, and article/chapter scan requested items. You can identify an ILL or article/chapter scan request by the "request details" number found in the submitted date column.
To check on the status of any of your requests, view the "Status" column on the right.
Clicking on the "request details" link will show you the information along with any notes you supplied when making the request.
Cancel a request
To cancel a request, select the item(s) you wish to cancel by using the check box in the left column. Then click on the "Cancel requests" button.
Notifications and pickup
You will receive email notifications when your request is available for pickup or download.
Physical items requested and available through Concordia Library can be picked up from the public hold shelves at either Vanier or Webster Library (depending on which library you selected as pick up location when placing your request).
Physical items requested through Interlibrary Loan, or books that were fulfilled through the Quebec university library network, can be picked up at the Circulation/Loans desks at either Vanier or Webster Library (depending on which library you selected as pick up location when placing your request).