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Classroom technology


Devices may be connected to the screens wirelessly using AirMedia.

screen with icons on it

Desktop and laptop

  • Enter the IP address displayed at the top of the AirMedia screen into a browser.
  • This will prompt you to download the AirMedia app.
  • Double click the downloaded file to run it.
  • Enter the code from the right of the screen (digits).


When using a mobile device, only certain document types, images and web browsing can be shared.

  • Download the Crestron AirMedia app (if you are using a Concordia iPad, the app is already present in the communication folder).
  • Connect using the same IP address/code combination as above.

*Troubleshooting* If the mobile app seems connected but nothing from the devices appears on the screen, quit the app completely and restart it.

More device-specific instructions are available on our Group study room technology page.

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