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Classroom technology


The library offers three bookable spaces for digital learning and collaboration.

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Devices may be connected to the screens wirelessly using AirMedia.

screen with icons on it

Desktop and laptop

  • Enter the IP address displayed at the top of the AirMedia screen into a browser.
  • This will prompt you to download the AirMedia app.
  • Double click the downloaded file to run it.
  • Enter the code from the right of the screen (digits).


When using a mobile device, only certain document types, images and web browsing can be shared.

  • Download the Crestron AirMedia app (if you are using a Concordia iPad, the app is already present in the communication folder).
  • Connect using the same IP address/code combination as above.

*Troubleshooting* If the mobile app seems connected but nothing from the devices appears on the screen, quit the app completely and restart it.

More device-specific instructions are available on our Group study room technology page.

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Small touch screen with red squares labeled Location 1, location 2, black rectangles labeled left and right projectors, volume and camera icons at bottom, PC, AirMedia and Both projectors on side
Touch panel interface

Note: Use of two projectors applies to Multifunctional Room only.

  • Touch anywhere on the small touch screen to activate it.
  • Select a destination (left, right or both projectors) and a source (PC, AirMedia or a location); the projector screen(s) will automatically roll down.


  • The PC
  • External device (laptop, tablet or phone) connected either by wire or wirelessly


  • Move the mouse or touch the keyboard to turn on the monitor at the teacher’s station.
  • Log in to the PC with your NetName and password.
  • If the screen doesn’t come on the monitor at the teacher’s podium, verify that the power is on by looking at the DELL tower in the credenza.
  • When you are done using the PC, log out. Do not shut down the PC.
credenza holding computer tower and various controls

Wired connection

  • Select the appropriate floor monument number (where the teacher’s podium is connected to the power and data in the floor).
  • Use one of the cables located bellow the touch panel to wire in your device.

Wireless connection

  • Select AirMedia as your source and follow the instructions that come up on the projector you select.


  • Single source for both projectors: Select the “Both Projectors” icon on the right of the screen then touch the source you want to project (either the PC or AirMedia).
  • Different source for each projector: Select the left or right (measured with your back to the projectors) projector and then the source.
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There is a high definition camera connected to the PC of the teacher’s podium.

  • Select the camera icon on the touch screen.
  • Adjust the angle of the camera and/or zoom in and out.

Use any application that is designed to handle direct input from a camera, for example Zoom, Teams, or Hangouts, to create a live video stream.

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Note: Applies to Multifunctional Room only.

Microphones are available in the drawer of the large black credenza in the front far corner of the classroom.

  • 2 handheld microphones
  • 1 lapel microphone (for streaming, not amplifying your voice; since it captures sound from all directions, it may lead to feedback*.)

Get started

  • Power on the microphone. To hear sound, the touch screen on the teacher’s podium must be activated.
  • Select the microphone icon to adjust volume. Be cautious of feedback, do not turn the volume up too high.
  • When finished, power off the microphone and return it to the drawer.

*Feedback: Mute the microphone immediately if there is feedback (press the power button on the transmitter or mute on the teacher’s station touch screen under mic volume).

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  • Locate the controls on a wall near the classroom door.
  • Press the on/off switch.
  • Adjust brightness with the row of buttons.

For optimal use with the projectors, choose a setting in the middle range.

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Multiple locations possible.

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