Library guide for new students
A brief introduction to services, facilities, and collections

The Concordia Library is open 24/7 during the fall and winter terms. Both Webster Library and Vanier Library are open 24 hours until the end of final exams during each term. Concordia ID cards are required in order to enter and/or remain in the Library between 11 p.m. – 7 a.m. and on University holidays when the Library is open.

The Library has both print and digital collections and subscriptions. You can borrow print books with your Concordia ID card and access digital collections we subscribe to (databases, ebooks, journals, magazines, and more) with your Concordia netname — for free! Search the Sofia Discovery tool to find resources on any topic in our collection.

Access to academic databases: Need scholarly or peer-reviewed articles for your assignments? The Library subscribes to over 500 databases to give you free access to articles, data and statistics, multimedia, ebooks and more. See the recommended databases for your area of study.
Welcome to the Webster Library (LB-2, Part 1)
Welcome to the Webster Library (LB-2, Part 2)
- LB-2 floor plan
- Technology Sandbox
- Course Reserves
- Requesting books, requesting articles or requesting chapters from the Concordia Library or other libraries in Quebec, Canada and worldwide

Textbooks and course materials: We have a copy of every required undergraduate textbook in the Course Reserve room on the campus where the course is taught. You can borrow most items for three hours. Log into Course Reserves.
Printing and scanning: There are many DPrint machines across campus, including 6 at the Vanier Library and 8 at the Webster Library. The Library also has KIC scanners and flatbed scanners, which can output digital files in multiple formats for free. Did you know we even have 3D printers in the Technology Sandbox?

Computers and IT equipment: Use one of 100s of desktop computers at either Library. Use our real-time availability maps to find an available workstation. Borrow laptops, tablets, accessories and Technology Sandbox equipment. Visit the Loans & Returns desk (Webster Library) or the Circulation Desk (Vanier Library) with your Concordia ID card.

Specialized help is available from your subject librarian: There are more than 50 subject guides created by librarians for departments and/or fields of study at Concordia. In each guide, you'll find recommended databases, search tips, instructions for finding materials in that subject area, and useful links. Find your subject guide. See the Library Research Skills Tutorial for learning foundational research skills.

22 different study spaces: From quiet, individual study spaces in the reading rooms to social learning areas in open spaces, group study rooms and presentation practice rooms, the Library strives to provide the spaces most conducive to your academic success. The Vanier Library even has treadmill and stationary bike workstations.
Welcome to the Webster Library (LB-3 and LB-4)
Welcome to the Webster Library (LB-5)
- LB-5 floor plan
- Graduate study spaces (reading rooms and dissertation writers' rooms)